Saturday, September 12, 2015

Law of Monetary Equality

Rowan County Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis is in jail as of this writing because she refused to comply with the law of marriage equality in her actions as a public official. Although Davis was technically jailed for contempt of court, casual observers quickly concluded that what she really held in contempt was the rule of law ... without which constitutional democracy is meaningless. The White House solemnly summarized the situation in four sentences:

  1. No public official is above the rule of law.
  2. Certainly not the President of the United States.
  3. But neither is the Rowan county clerk.
  4. That’s a principle that is enshrined in our Constitution and in our democracy.

The problem is only two of these sentences are true ... but "half truths" means "half lies".

Sadly, however, few Americans are even aware of [much less understand] the American law of monetary equality [known as the Federal Reserve Act] which, for over 100 years, has more or less successfully safeguarded our common right to our common currency. And yet this law is even MORE IMPORTANT than any law of marriage equality in the scope and severity of the consequences when it is violated. Back alley "counterfeiters" who break the law of monetary equality are put in jail. So why do we continue to allow Federal Reserve public officials [in league with powerful special interests] to break this law with "sovereign immunity" from the devastating damages they are causing socially?

If "no public official" is above the rule of law, as the White House announced, then the past and present members of the Fed need to be brought up on charges for their actions in violation of the Federal Reserve Act ... denying monetary equality not only to Americans but to every person worldwide who has ever trusted in the US currency as an honest store of wealth with which to manage the events of one's economic lifetime.

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