Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Monetary Adultery

"Rather than seeking to liquidate the national debt, Hamilton recommended that government securities pay sufficient interest to be traded at par promoting their perpetual circulation as legal tender equivalent in face value to hard currency." First Report on the Public Credit, made by Alexander Hamilton to Congress, 1790, Wikipedia

“As often is the case with addictions, the fanciful notion of a gradual discontinuance only provided a comforting pretext for more sustained indulgence.” ― Ron Chernow [on Alexander Hamilton's life of marital adultery]


Fiat credit IS monetary adultery

All adulterers know [or soon learn] that each successive act of deviance makes the real thing worth less ... until it finally becomes worthless ... incapable of functioning as it was originally intended. And this is true whether the "real thing" is marriage or money.

And although history has not provided us with an account of the first act of marital adultery, it does provide us with ample evidence that the practice of monetary adultery ... [mixing public credit in with the public's money until there is no practical difference left between the two] ... was well known and in continuous circulation in Europe [along with syphilis and small pox] prior to the American Revolutionary War. And furthermore, it reports [in careful accounts like William Hogeland's Founding Finance] that Alexander Hamilton, America's first Secretary of the Treasury officed in America's first national capital on Wallstreet NYC NY, heartily embraced the deviant practices of European elites and coveted every opportunity to introduce them to Americans.

Subverting subsidiarity

Eager to experiment with adultery on a grand scale, Hamilton [in what was euphemistically disguised as The Compromise of 1790] seduced Jefferson and Madison [and the South] by promising them that all future acts of American monetary adultery would be officially performed in the District of Columbia ... although everyone understood that they would continue to be orgasmized on Wallstreet ... a sordid, bifurcated practice that continues to this day with the Federal Reserve doing the official act in Washington but Wallstreet [always under the Fed's lustful gaze] transmitting the stimulation to an eroticized cadre of financial insiders who, it is said, are frequently so overwhelmed with bliss that at least some of the good feelings trickle down to a long deprived public. [The amorous George Washington needed no persuasion ... he had long ago turned West ... away from Virginia as his first love.]

In the Compromise, which John Calhoun [only a boy of 8 at the time] would come to rue along with all the Southern States, the federal government assumed the revolutionary war debts of the still-sovereign states ... mixing them with the federal war debts ... in the first official act of American federal financial adultery ... a practice preserved in the form of federal grants to all 50 states [among many other financial trysting partners] and which is set to explode again as states face a world that is increasingly tax-intolerant thanks to the widespread assurance that federal fiat credit is free and unlimited.

Of course, some principled persons will proudly proclaim that they [and the civil or corporate bodies in which they serve] have "balanced their budgets" and that Washington needs to do the same. But this is  nothing more than empty talk, for without the benefits of Washington's deficits [directly or indirectly] most of them would cease to exist overnight. They will be quickly and rightly dismissed as unfounded and provincial in their thinking.

Institutionalizing the delusion ... "fiat pecunia" Gen 1:3

"In the beginning" the adulterer thinks [s]he can stop before any lasting harm is done and can thus get away with it. But adultery is hard to stop and, for this reason, hard to hide. And so most adulterers persist until caught in the act and faced with the prospect of judgment and/or cessation. And although some repent in shame and others offer ambivalent excuses, the truly brave [with consciences fully seared] double-down and redefine the real thing to include their deviance. The deviation becomes normative.

Modern Monetary Theory is an example of the redefinition approach to deviance. Its premises have become "self-evident" [veritable natural laws] after two centuries of Hamilton's financial adultery. The federal government, via its sovereign monopoly powers, can forever alternate between being

  • a net issuer of fiat money in the form of either currency OR credit for the goods and services it purchases and consumes [or doles out] until a continuously-redefined inflation [the only possible unwanted result] rises too high and
  • a net collector of taxes until a continuously-redefined unemployment [the only possible unwanted result] rises too high.

What could be simpler than formally declaring fiat money to include fiat credit ... extinguishing once and for all the distinction between money and credit ... Hamilton's adulterous dream come true ... and NO NEED TO PAY INTEREST ON THE FEDERAL DEBT ... EVER AGAIN. What could possibly go wrong?

That this accommodation of perversion could ever produce other unwanted and unexpected effects has not yet occurred to today's enlightened, elite adulterers [marital and financial]. Their dulled minds [Democrat and Republican alike] are now fully reprobate and can no longer be sociologically reclaimed ... only destroyed in the inevitable, coming collapse of the societal and environmental structures on which civilization currently rests ... the "great reset".

Surely, stagflation is a logical impossibility ... a world of unemployed people facing a rising cost of living ... where robots [owned by an oligarchy of capitalist-elites-in-luxury] do the work while the marked masses fight one another for a share in an increasingly expensive subsistence existence. Rev 6:6

The rise of crony capitalism ... and the fall of democracy

"As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless; and the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery. ... The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of [sociological] destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose. ... [T]hese Governments are fast rendering impossible a continuance of the social and economic order ... [b]ut they have no plan for replacing it." The Consequences of the Peace, JM Keynes, 1920

One order cannot fall without chaos ensuing unless there is another already usurping its place ... and so the seamless collapse of distributed democratic capitalism into centralized crony capitalism was to be expected. That FA Hayek predicted this in his 1944 reflections on Nazi Germany is now little more than an historical anomaly forgotten by some but never known by most.

The future can no longer be in doubt. Deferred repentance has become not only unimaginably painful but ideologically inconceivable. Full-on authoritarianism [monetary and political], with a managed chasm insulating the rich elites from the poor masses, is already taking place.

All that remains is to see if this "brave fiat world" will be taken seriously by God ... or not. Psalm 2

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

America's Chickens


Thou shalt live in thy pain,
While Kehama shall reign,
With a fire in thy heart,
And a fire in thy brain;
And sleep shall obey me,
And visit thee never,
And the Curse shall be on thee
For ever and ever.
The Curse of Kehama, Robert Southey [1812]

The notion

From time immemorial, some individuals ... even entire nations ... have occasionally paused to consider the notion that there is a link between their fleeting life [both active and passive] and the greater, inter-temporal cosmos ... where the "occasion" is usually an extreme state of success or suffering. This complex encounter reaches from the Vedic karma and the Hebrew Book of Job thru the New Testament's Gal 6:7 right down to contemporary series like LOTR or Harry Potter ... or yesterday's Politico where founding editor, John Harris, proposed the following proposition:
 "Trump’s Chickens Come Home To Roost. So Do America’s."


The scope

To be sure, there are screeching and sweeping prophetic voices on both sides of such grand thoughts. And Trump [being POTUS notwithstanding] is only one man whose actions over 4 years cannot [in any sense that is meaningful to most of us] be held responsible for such a monumental thing as America's fate [be it blessing or curse].

And so, in an attempt to narrow the scope of his ruminations to something today's average, sound-byte attentive American might possibly grasp, Harris steps back from any attempt to articulate some Dantian or Trumpian vision of "divine justice" and contents himself with generally musing about America's place in mankind's history of sociological experimentation:

"The answer is to embrace a different tradition of American exceptionalism, one that doesn’t depend on a belief in divine intercession. As originally understood, American exceptionalism didn’t flow principally from religious revelation. It flowed from America’s unique history as the world’s first democracy, and as a new country resting on a foundation of ideas, not on an old foundation of feudalism and monarchy.

"American exceptionalism based on divine franchise implies unconquerable destiny, and invites arrogance and feelings of special entitlement. American exceptionalism based on history forged by frail mortals implies experiment and fragility, and invites humility and feelings of special responsibility."


The problem

Although most of us can appreciate what Harris is trying to say, it is futile to think that he, Trump, Biden or America can dialectically avoid the deeper, troubling, existential questions that arise if we even cursorily examine the theme and keywords in his essay.

You cannot separate divinity from justice from ideas from feudalism from democracy. The essence of a "universe" is that they are all and always linked ... for better or for worse ...for blessing or for cursing. And yes, humility and responsibility are helpful ... and arrogance and entitlement are not.

If anything, it would appear that America's post-1971 practice of deceitful and repressive global monetary policy [all claims by the FED to humble, responsible, ideological experimentation notwithstanding] has plunged the entire world into Harris' anathema of financial feudalism [elites, vassals and serfs] that is supra-national in scope. And that raises some very serious cosmic questions for America which Harris and each of us must face ... sooner or later.

And the very "idea" of  "democracy" on which Harris hangs his entire argument has always been and apparently remains seriously confused in America where political and economic systems lurch back and forth dysphorically between "class-driven" parties that BOTH use of their political power to economically plunder the other in the name of justice, because neither party understands and respects the complementary differences between private property [which requires individual liberty] and commonwealth [which requires collective justice].

It is well established that ignorance of the law is no defense. And it has long been suspected [and even believed by some] that, unless God can be mocked, we reap what we sow. God bless America? How can this be?

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Force Fed

Feeding children is an immense responsibility.

Feeding children too often can make them forget what their own hunger feels like. Large portions lead to overeating. And giving food to calm a distressed child teaches them that unhappiness is a reason to eat.

Force-feeding is a crime of passion, driven by a parent’s desire to see a child eat; as with other crimes of passion, the perpetrator has lost sight of the loved one’s autonomy.
― Bee Wilson, First Bite: How We Learn to Eat 

The plunge

As confused and childish Americans careen towards economic collapse and political tyranny, there is a new, but apparently logical, call for a novel but "temporary" measure that promises to ... make everything OK again ... restore the previous, healthy status quo ... put us back on the right track ... and whatever other comforting phrases you can conjure to try to dispell the harsh and judgment-laden lingering premonition that, perhaps, we have entered the initial stages of "reaping what we sowed" ... and are finally "getting what we deserve".

To relieve our fears, Mark Cuban proposes the following:

  • All 128 million households should get a $1,000 stimulus check every two weeks [regardless of wealth or income].
  • The stimulus checks would be only for the next two months.
  • Recipients must spend the entire stimulus check within 10 days of receipt, or it expires ... “use it or lose it.”

This "force-feeding" proposal [albeit belated and desperate] is entirely consistent with long-standing American monetary policies under which the FED has [contrary to law] attempted to force Americans to stop saving and to mindlessly consume increasingly more of the earth's limited resources in a futile attempt to prop up elite ZOMBIE banks and corporations ... where the definition of zombie is "a dead body reanimated through various methods, most commonly magic" ... and where the magic is the FED's claim to financial alchemy that turns "fiat credit" into "real economy".

You see, much of our current economic system has already died in the real world sense that it is unsustainable [aka unjust, immoral, unnatural, corrupted, deviant etc.]. However, the FED and other central banks [as the faithful agents of the cabal of elites who "own" these dead bodies] wish to give the dead system the appearance of vitality so that the masses will continue to recognize and serve it. So they pump the dead bodies full of "fiscal blood" [ie. fiat credit] in hopes that the infusion will redden increasingly ashen cheeks and lips for awhile longer ... and reanimate the dead.

The catch

But there is a potential problem.

What if some Americans, jolted from their consumptive stupor by a series of crises, should try to retrace their steps down the road of grotesque and morbid debt-obesity in an attempt to find the turn-off [previously missed] that leads towards providential living [ie. consuming less than they produce and saving]? This regressive behavior must be stopped at all costs ... Americans must proceed [by force if necessary] with their continuous consumption.

The best way to do this is an unrelenting series of novel attempts to punish savers ... but to do it, if possible, in ways that are veiled to make compliance appear voluntary ... such as Cuban's proposal to give "free" helicopter $$$ [created from central bank fiat credit] to everyone to spend and to dare the providential soul to exercise restraint which would mean enduring the public [and private] shame of appearing to be [and feeling] foolish.

But there is a practical problem with Cuban's strategy. How can the elite-powers-that-be KNOW that the individual is consuming [or at least buying and wasting] enough? The central powers do not currently have sufficient timely and granular information about the individual to attempt to pursue Cuban's novel and enlightened strategy.

The hook

But not to worry ... what if the central authorities take complete control of local currencies by mandating a single block-chained digital currency by which they can control and monitor [no "crypto" here] every detail of every income and expense transaction of every individual in a dystopian world where real people and zombie institutions are forced to coexist? Why wouldn't that work just fine?

The difference

The fact that nobody can predict just when and how America will take its final [ie. irreversible albeit not necessarily last] step down the centrally planned financial road to serfdom does not mean we are not in grave and imminent danger. My sense is that we have already taken our "final" step ... and that we did it decades ago.

When he reminded us that "way leads on to way", American poet Robert Frost was famously reflecting on the difference a single step can make ... even though we do not realize it because there appear to be so many more steps ahead. We should stop and at least hear [if not heed] Frost's warning, but that is doubtful as we continue to pass beyond sight of both our heritage and our progeny.

All that remains is to embrace Mark Cuban as one of the modern host of entertaining [if not educational or edifying] prophets who tell us in increasingly novel [and perverted] ways what we REALLY want to hear ... that REAL consumption is not only virtuous but free ... and that REAL savings is not only foolish but evil.

These are rebellious people ... children unwilling to obey the LORD’s instruction. They say to the seers, "Stop seeing visions!” and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us the truth! Speak to us pleasant words; prophesy illusions." Isaiah 30


In case you are inclined to dismiss Mark Cuban as just another elitist lunatic, you may wish to consider this article in the Wolf Report ... "less terrible" will be the justification for complete monetary tyranny.

What’s Behind the Fed’s Project to Send Free Money to People Directly?
Wolf Richter • Oct 2, 2020

Friday, August 7, 2020

Shocked Totalitarians

"How do you go bankrupt? Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises 

 "[FA Hayek argued that the] knowledge and intelligence necessary for society to thrive is decentralized throughout society, and comes to be embedded or instantiated within institutions and processes that gradually evolve from the free actions and choices of individuals ... The [COVID] lockdowns took a sledgehammer to these practices, processes and institutions. It replaced them nearly overnight with new bureaucratic and police-state-mandates ... And just like that [they] were crushed under the boot of the political class." Jeff Tucker, July 2020


Who'da thought?

Many folks who consider themselves to be diligent defenders and ardent advocates for the sociological benefits of individual freedom and personal responsibility are entirely enraged and spectacularly sputtering about what they believe is the sudden subversion of their precious liberties by "sledgehammer bureaucrats" in an "overnight" assault. But is the truth more along the lines of what Hemingway observed about bankruptcy ...???

the suddenness which surprises us has been preceded by the gradualness that laid the groundwork for logical [if unintended] and inevitable [if willfully unanticipated] deleterious consequences.

The real totalitarians ... the estatists

"This [movement to totalitarianism] is, of course, deliberately planned mainly by the capitalist organizers of monopolies, and they are thus one of the main sources of this danger. Their responsibility is not altered by the fact that their aim is not a totalitarian system but rather a sort of corporative society in which the organized industries would appear as semi-independent and self-governing "estates". But they are as shortsighted as were their [Nazi] German colleagues in believing that they will be allowed not only to create but also for any length of time to run such a system." ― FA Hayek, The Road to Serfdom, Chapter 13: "The Totalitarians in Our Midst" 1945

Damnation results from the pernicious fact that those who are responsible for their own plight are willfully ignorant of and blinded to their guilt ... preventing confession and repentance. The same economic journals that oppose the current loss of free markets to COVID totalitarianism, advocate for the "semi-independence" of central banking ... and do not even see [much less admit] their hypocrisy.

They claim they are not "statists"... which is true only because they [and their paid economic apologists] are so thoughtless ... without understanding or admitting that they are "estatists" ... which, as Hayek explains, is merely the starting point and a short stretch along the initially gradual then suddenly steep road to serfdom.

Hayek explains how the estatists organize themselves to use government to plunder society. The estatists [Bankers and Capitalists] profit immensely from this systematized impoverishment of others [Labor] ... until the others begin to fragment and organize into power groups [Organized Labor] that in turn learn to use government to plunder society ... even including those who were once their beloved comrades [Unorganized Labor, ie. immigrants and the poor].

And so, as Bastiat predicted, serial plundering, begun by the capitalist estatists, continues ...

"Men naturally rebel against the injustice of which they are victims. Thus, when plunder is organized by law for the profit of those who make the law, all the plundered classes try somehow to enter—by peaceful or revolutionary means—into the making of laws. According to their degree of enlightenment, these plundered classes may propose one of two entirely different purposes when they attempt to attain political power: Either they may wish to stop lawful plunder, or they may wish to share in it.

"Woe to the nation when this latter purpose prevails among the mass victims of lawful plunder when they, in turn, seize the power to make laws!

"Until that happens, the few practice lawful plunder upon the many, a common practice where the right to participate in the making of law is limited to a few persons. But then, participation in the making of law becomes universal. And then, men seek to balance their conflicting interests by universal plunder. Instead of rooting out the injustices found in society, they make these injustices general. As soon as the plundered classes gain political power, they establish a system of reprisals against other classes. They do not abolish legal plunder. (This objective would demand more enlightenment than they possess.) Instead, they emulate their evil predecessors by participating in this legal plunder, even though it is against their own interests.

"It is as if it were necessary, before a reign of justice appears, for everyone to suffer a cruel retribution—some for their evilness, and some for their lack of understanding."
― Bastiat, The Law


Surprise ... or karma ... or both ?

surprise - the feeling caused by something unexpected
karma - the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual

Is it, then, such a wonder that a majority of Americans actually favor another lockdown ... and the seemingly free and generous federal benefits that they assume will go with it ... without understanding what they are doing in the sociological long run?

Perhaps, all the plunderers ... from the capitalist estatists to organized labor to the eventually emboldened bureaucrats ... are simply ignorant ... I will let God judge their motives. But regardless, as Hayek points out, the result of their serial actions is the same ... increasing totalitarianism. And that this totalitarianism comes as such a surprise to some is only a measure of either their persistent ignorance or their pernicious hypocrisy.

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." Gal 6:7

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Systemic Corruption Complete

And the King will say, "I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!"
Matt 25:40

We observed some weeks ago that George Floyd’s execution by law enforcement for allegedly doing something US bankers [led by the Federal Reserve] do everyday … pass counterfeit bills … was evidence that the federal monetary system in the US is skewed against the poor.

But this week the systemic circle of corruption was completed with federal fiscal hypocrisy when Derek Chauvin, an officer involved in the death of Floyd, and his wife were suddenly charged with tax evasion … something it is well known global elites and corporations do regularly with impunity.

Now, no matter which side of the George Floyd incident you have taken, you have to seriously consider whether or not BOTH the poor and the police are everyday-people-victims of the same corrupted monetary-fiscal system that is ravaging the 99% and setting them against one another in competition for the table scraps that dribble to the floor from years of trickle down economic policies that are designed to enrich a small cadre of global financial elites who publicly make the lying claim that, if enough wealth is just pumped into their pockets, then some wealth will eventually overflow down into the hungry and starving ranks of the “essential” and “non-essential” people below them.

Well, have you ever seen hungry and starving dogs fight over table scraps?

That is what “trickle down” economics creates in the ranks of the non-elites … the 99% … and although the “hungry essentials” [like the police] are systemically favored in the food-fight over the “starving non-essentials” [like the poor], BOTH groups are being systematically plundered by the monetary and fiscal policies of the elites who sit back and watch the savage internecine fight with the assurance that it will certainly distract most attention away from the real systemic problems.

The dogs are only doing what they must to survive … they do not understand their plight or their fight ... they are all victims.

Those of us who do understand … and allow this to continue … are to blame for not clearly explaining then raising a hue and cry against the systemic cruelty of their “owners” that pits them against one another in a fight in which some [like the poor] will die but all [including the police] will suffer injustice.


But BEWARE. Once MLKJr began to understand AND PREACH that racial division was just one symptom [among many] of a much deeper, metastasizing cancer of systemic poverty [aka slavery], his voice was silenced. The truth must not be known ... or, at least, not told.


And do not be surprised when “racial protests” widen into “general revolts” joined by other “non-essentials” against the federal establishment which will quickly brand them as “lawless riots” and use the occasion to employ federal force to repress both the racial protesting and the general revolts. This coalescing of non-essentials is the logical and predictable result of these groups beginning to realize that they are experiencing the same oppression, so it is natural that they should find common cause with one another in opposition to the corrupt federal system.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The REAL Energy Industry

Now the lords of the Philistines assembled to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god, and to rejoice, for they said,
“Our god has given Samson our enemy into our hands.”

It so happened when they were in high spirits ... they called for Samson from the prison, and he entertained them. And they made him stand between the pillars on which the house rested.

Then Samson called to the LORD and said, “O Lord GOD, please remember me and please strengthen me just this time.” Samson grasped the two middle pillars on which the house rested, and braced himself against them, the one with his right hand and the other with his left. ... And Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!” And he bent with all his might so that the house fell on the lords and all the people who were in it. Judges 16

Human energy: REAL industry and a JUDGE appointed by Nature

The most important and simplest equation in Economics will always be:
Mankind's material well-being = Natural Resources + (Labor x Tools)
where Labor thru its Earned Surplus/Savings gives birth to Tools/Capital which then continuously compete with Labor to Supply the work Demand-ed by the state of the Natural Resources and the needs/desires of the people to sustain/enhance their lives over Time. All economic possibilities revolve around the relationships of the REAL variables in [or implied by] this equation.

But ... there are those in the world [Philistine Elites] who see human energy [Samson] ... not as a Judge appointed by Nature/God to impose limits designed to promote justice and preserve life on the planet ... but as an enemy of their Growth/Power to be conquered. And so these Elites entice Labor with adulterous promises of satisfaction and treacherous lies of ease ... while they pray to their god [Dagon] to do "whatever it takes" to deliver control over all human energy into their hands ... so they can blind and enslave Labor for future exploitation and amusement. Who is this Dagon, the god of the Elites, and how do the Elites and Dagon subvert Labor into slavery? The answers are
  • Dagon is the federal government enabled Central Banking System and
  • the fatal conceit is Fiat Credit [an UNREAL fabrication of evil imaginations incarnated by member bank fractional reserve lending and central bank balance sheet liability inflation]
which combine
  • to subsidize and thus accelerate the formation and use of Capital
  • handicapping and restraining the expenditure and importance of Labor
  • thereby perverting Nature's intricate balancing of justice and sustainability among the REAL variables in the economy
  • until the whole "house" [Greek "oikos" or English "eco"] finally comes crashing down killing everyone and everything inside ... including Labor.

Fiat Credit: a fatal sociological virus that destroys Labor

It is spring in Kansas and outside my window I watch parent-birds flying as teams ... tirelessly back and forth for hours on end ... to build and protect their nests and feed and raise their young. It is the ancient way of Nature ... and for them it never has and never will change ... unless they go into captivity at which point their lives may be longer [depending on whether or not it amuses their masters] at the high cost of their liberty and the catastrophic upending of all the other balances they help preserve in Nature as they labor so diligently.

Also outside my window, many common folk [Labor] whose lives and families depend on an honest day's work [Wage] for their daily bread [Standard of Living] have not been working in recent weeks due to the presence and threat of the COVID 19 virus. But biological viruses are not the only or even the major "disease" that is impoverishing laborers and ravaging communities around the world by systemically limiting their opportunities to expend human energy in the sustainable and healthy promotion of their own and the planet's well being.
The main threat to people and planet is the virus of Fiat Credit which enters the body politic and economy thru a Centralized Banking System after which it is carried in and spread by a cancerous proliferation of Capital which destroys Labor subverting all the benefits and sweeping away all the limits [known and unknown] that naturally flow from and are associated with the expenditure of human energy on planet earth.
And so it is that machines, robots, technology and all other forms of Capital, while they cannot contract or spread biological viruses or diseases, are essential to and implicated in the far more deadly and widespread sociological [and ultimately biological and environmental] diseases that are devastating both mankind and the planet through the systemic destruction of human energy by fiat credit.

Judgment must come ... the only question is when and in what form

Whether it is the story of Samson, COVID 19 or fiat credit, Nature will judge every disease ... biological, sociological, economic and/or environmental. And if the Elites among us have the hubris to imagine they can subvert the authority of the ancient judges Nature appointed, new and harsher judges will be appointed until the hateful disease is finally eradicated ... one way or another.

The cry of many after weeks of COVID 19 is "Put people back to work" ... but the real truth is that unless the contagious and fatal system of fiat-credit-capitalism is once and for all exterminated from the planet, people will never be able to "return to work" ... and most, if not all, life on the planet [ie. "in the house"] will be severely degraded then perish as a result.

When and how does Labor regain its real and needful place on the planet? If you want to learn more about the Samson Strategy ... check it out on this blogsite ... and join the growing opposition ... even if it means bringing down the house!

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Battle for Trust

Today, in the midst of what can only be described as a nearly apocalyptic stream of recent events [including COVID-19], announcements and actions in the world, the US Federal Reserve boldly promised something we intuitively know is not good ... it will immediately create [from thin air] and deliver [indirect and indirectly] unlimited and unending amounts of money in the form of fiat credit to everyone who needs a loan ... which includes using that new money to buy up financial assets [including stocks and bonds] of all types from all sorts of parties in complete violation of the law ... to save "us" from economic collapse. Does this sound right to you? Does this sound pleasing to you? Do you want to believe it? After all, won't it help? How can it hurt?

The Fed's unrestrained lawlessness, implied for decades, has been suddenly unmasked by the unanticipated exigencies of  COVID-19. Indeed, it is the essence of the "Greenspan put" subtly promised by "the Maestro" himself but gladly inherited, zealously reaffirmed and serially expanded by Bernanke, Yellen and now Powell. Indeed, one worshipful commentator [who advocates for an even more uninhibited "modern monetary theory"] has called the Fed's unprecedented and brazen declaration "a bridge to the other side of an act of God" ... think about that ... the Fed can now neutralize God.

Nevertheless, in spite of the ECB's Draghi's proud utterances or, perhaps, out of some sort of final act of respect for reality, deference to the rule of law or desire not to alarm the public, the financial powers that rule monetary, fiscal and economic life in America have thus far refrained from such blasphemy in a nation that has "In God We Trust" printed on its money.

But no more it seems. Have we reached the end of FA Hayek's "road to serfdom" ... is what lies before us a finally and fully undisguised tyranny? The questions that remain seem to be
  • how long the general public will continue to trust in the unrestrained oppression and guile of the Federal Reserve and
  • how long nature [and nature's God] will allow such a misplaced trust to preserve the tattered shreds of normalcy before they fall away to reveal something we did not anticipate and do not want.
We have, perhaps, been conditioned and are now obliged to believe the lie that will usher in what must come ... to our complete and utter ruin.

The Consequences of Trusting in Oppression and Guile

I hope I am wrong. But if I am not ... to those with second thoughts who, in the coming hours of extremis, cry out "God help us", let's pray He does not reply, "I tried ... but you would not." Is 30:15

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The undemocratic socialists in the closet

"In total, this would amount to nearly $4.5 trillion through April 13 that the Fed is offering to create to bail out Wall Street, repo market participants, the asset holders, the banks, and Corporate America. It would more than double the already re-ballooned balance sheet (currently $4.3 trillion). It could push the balance sheet to nearly $9 trillion by April 13."
As Everything Bubble Implodes, Frazzled Fed Rolls Out Fastest Mega-Money Printer Ever, up to $4.5 Trillion in Four Weeks, Wolf Richter, Mar 2020

The accusation

As Bernie Sanders "comes out" openly advocating democratic socialism as the remedy for various alleged sociological injustices, he is pilloried by a holy host of bankers, capitalists, politicians and pundits on the right and left alike who
  • sanctimoniously denounce socialism as anti-American, tried-and-failed, unjust, ungodly ... and any other pejorative modifier they think might stick in the public mind
  • while they secretly embrace [and luxuriate in] the vilest forms of undemocratic socialism known to man: enriching themselves through the surreptitious plunder of the life-savings and every-day wage levels and purchasing power of an unsuspecting global public via ad hoc, lawless, ponzi schemes of central bank fiat credit and private bank fractional reserve lending.

The conspiracy and the ignorance

That this sanctimonious hypocrisy goes unchallenged is the result of both a carefully closeted conspiracy among those who perpetrate and profit from it and a publicly promoted ignorance among those who are being continuously violated and victimized by it. If you want a modern day example of the organizational properties and methods by which closeted crimes are committed, think of the various types of players and conditions Jeffrey Epstein’s sordid schemes required.

The answer

When Jesus walked the earth it was widely reported that he welcomed sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors while he scourged scribes, pharisees and money changers. Did he simplistically approve of the former and reject the latter? No. Rather he could communicate his call to repentance and offer of forgiveness to those whose sins were public ... but not to the hypocrites who condemned public sinners while committing their own sins secretly in carefully maintained sociological closets.

AOC recently wondered, on the record, what Jesus would do if he walked into a session of the US Congress and saw the progressives gathered on one side facing their establishment accusers on the other. I don't know what you think he would do, but I have no doubt because he showed and told us in John 8.

Once the closeted undemocratic socialists that publicly condemn the open democratic socialists finally "come out" and "come clean", they will be able to help misguided progressives [and the naive public] "see the light". But until then, they are only heaping hot coals on their own heads when they condemn socialism ... and the conflagration they have already kindled is burning very hot [ ... the world is on fire].

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Financed Abortion

My grandsons are into riddles these days ... and some of the ones they find are quite stimulating.

The essence of every riddle is finding the "relationships" between things [usually words] that have seemingly nothing in common ... or even contradict one another.

So here is a riddle for you ...

"What do abortion and central banking have in common?"

If you would like to check your logic, here is a link to a short answer. Financed Abortion

Enjoy ... but don't forget to think too!