Friday, March 10, 2023



And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; so they sewed together fig leaves and made coverings for themselves. Then the man and his wife heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the breeze of the day, and they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the LORD God called out to the man, “Where are you?” “I heard Your voice in the garden,” he replied, “and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.” “Who told you that you were naked?” asked the LORD God.  Genesis 3

the Devil revealed

Strange things are happening as the world of fiat finance collapses around us ... now featuring crypto ponzi schemes, crashing tech and the beginning of bank closures. But nothing prepared me for what I heard today.
In what can only be described as an apocalyptic revelation [for those who are watching and know what to look for], the European Central Bank’s program director for the digital euro, Evelien Witlox, when asked if cryptocurrency was "REAL MONEY", without even pausing to blush, answered:
“In our view [at the ECB], cryptocurrencies are not money, because there’s nothing behind them.”
You see, there is only one creature in the universe who can deceitfully persuade mankind to depart from trusting in the common goodness of nature then, once the foul deed of isolation and alienation is done, turn, in bold two-faced hypocrisy that chills the soul, to shame and enslave the ignorant victims by pronouncing them to be naked ... the Devil. The ECB is certainly an instrument of hell.
It is one thing for a child in a fable to call out the clothes-less-ness of a foolish king, but entirely another for the REALLY NAKED TYRANT of our world to condemn to hell the now rapidly blushing crypto enthusiasts who claimed [and some even believed] they could create a functioning alternative currency based solely on "mutual trust" in a fallen world.

Of course, the REAL TRUTH is that the crypto-ists were simply trying to get rich and powerful by imitating the central bankers who "GOT NAKED" [with the help of Richard Nixon in '71] and have become increasingly rich and powerful ever since. And the central bankers were only imitating the libertarian hippies at Woodstock in '69 who showed the world how much fun it is to just go naked. The difference is that the hippies grew up and put their clothes back on ... but the central bankers have not only paraded themselves thru the world STARK NAKED for 50 years but have somehow managed to persuade the world that they are the most elegantly dressed group of elites in history ... while they call out the cryptos' nakedness.

blushing cryptos lead to failing banks

Of course, with the cascading collapse of cryptos now reaching thru the tech sector to pull down a large US bank, the ECB sounds wise to denounce crypto as a naked grab for wealth and power. But again, it is the naked arrogance of the central banks yanking the increasingly dysfunctional levers of financial power up and down that is responsible for the rise and fall of cryptos as a way to avoid [or join in on?] the robbery of central bank fiat credit and to share in the profitable intercourse with technology [ie. the rape of Labor] via repressed interest rates. Once again, the central bankers commit crimes against humanity and the environment then denounce their victims in unprecedented DoubleSpeak that goes publicly unchallenged by a captive [or incredibly ignorant] press.

incest and nepotism rule

And if the nakedness of our financial masters is not lurid enough, they flout their deviance by committing incest of the foulest sort in public. The CEO of the large Silicon Valley bank that suddenly failed was ... until today ... on the board of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank. It is a story that makes Oedipus [who killed his father then procreated with his mother] look like a model citizen.

And to add further insult to injury, the Fed pays its children of incest [including your local bank] 5% interest on "their" demand deposits at the Fed ... which are in reality "YOUR" deposits at that local bank which pays you next to nothing for them. Nepotism of the worst sort.

go back to nature

What are we to do? Go back to nature ... but not in the way you might think.

You see, going back to nature does NOT [as the hippies thought] mean glorying in our nakedness as the central bankers do and as the cryptos are still trying to do. It means tying our common currencies to things that are REAL and NATURAL ... like precious metals or commodities or energy or even labor. Until we are willing to tie our Economy to nature's Ecology ... our currency to God's REALITY ... we too are naked and we will sooner or later be rightfully accused and ashamed. It does not matter if our accuser is the Devil himself, our guilt is upon us.

The last days of global financial fiat are also upon us. The havoc which is our doom due to our lack of modesty [much less diligence] is now unavoidable. But that does NOT mean we must surrender to the Devil. There is ALWAYS time to call out our accuser as NAKED and resist. Whatever the cost, let us put our clothes back on ... reconnect our common currency to REAL Nature ... and let the chips fall where they will. In the end, we will be glad we did ... and our justly deserved shame will be behind us ... regardless of the suffering we must pass thru along the way.