Tuesday, October 25, 2016

the BIG lie about Democracy

Have you ever wondered if you understand the truth about democracy and what the dangers would be for a democratic republic like America if it forgot what a democracy really is?

If so, I encourage you to follow the article link below to learn how America's failure to understand and practice democracy has resulted in central banking tyranny that
  • has usurped the inalienable right of individual savers to provide credit to the economy and
  • by so doing is destroying the middle class.
the BIG lie about Democracy

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Suppression of Criticism ?

I have become an outspoken [although hardly known] critic of the Federal Reserve and published this blog to give the public easy access to my thoughts as well as the contents of a lawsuit I filed in US District court against the Federal Reserve [and lost] in 2015.

If you came to this blogsite looking for links to and information on the lawsuit I filed against the Federal Reserve [which is part of the official public records of the US District courts], I need to let you know that SOMEBODY has apparently been able to access this blogsite and alter it to selectively remove all the links to the records of the lawsuit from public access via the blog.

I grant that I am aging and trying to avoid paranoia, but I honestly have no recollection of making such a fundamental change. Indeed, the very reason for the blog was to make these public documents more accessible to the public to whom they now belong. Thus I am doing my best, as an individual, to discover how this happened.

I have attempted to contact GOOGLE which sponsors the "blogspot" products I used to develop and publish the blog, but I think you can appreciate how powerless one feels trying to merely contact [much less get assistance from] "big internet" which collaborates directly with others [including the government] concerning such matters without notifying the private individuals concerned [like me].

Depending on how it goes with GOOGLE, I am also going to contact my Kansas Congressional Representative Mike Pompeo to see what he suggests. However, I am virtually certain this will be useless. Rep. Pompeo has long turned a blind eye to my concerns about the illegality of the Fed's actions and will thus not care if my constitutional rights of free speech have been violated in this matter ... as I suspect they have.

I may also report this to my local newpaper ... the Wichita Eagle in Wichita KS ... to see if they can help. I have found them to be a fair minded third party committed to preserving a principled public dialogue about such controversial matters.

And finally I will consider reporting this to the ACLU because it may well be a violation [just one of many I fear] of the laws concerning free speech and access to public records in America which needs to be pursued ... although I respect the ACLU and others like them must have severely limited resources to hold back the flood of abuses we are witnessing in this area.

In the meantime, I encourage you to oppose the Federal Reserve and join others seeking to abolish it. It has become impossible to limit its tyranny over us through the enforcement of the existing law because the enforcers [all three branches of the federal government] are complicit in and wholly dependent on its illegal activities. As you can read in my first posting on this blog [America's Road to Ruin], they have joined with the Fed in the subversion of American constitutional democracy.

If you have other suggestions for me on how to pursue this matter, please advise by posting a comment. Best regards.

PS. As of 10-08-2016, it appears the section of my blog which was removed [missing?] has been restored. It is the case history of my lawsuit against the Federal Reserve [on the left]. So read it while dissent is still permitted ... and act now ... time is short.

with you in the fight to preserve democracy from the central planners,

Friday, September 9, 2016

Who's Funding DAPL?

Who Is Funding the Dakota Access Pipeline?
Bank of America, HSBC, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo?
No, the Federal Reserve !!!
Wallstreet is only the pusher.

As we watch pictures of Native Americans opposing dogs and bulldozers, at least one commentator is asking the right question ... who is funding DAPL? Unfortunately, this usually astute commentator   [http://www.democracynow.org/2016/9/9/who_is_funding_the_dakota_access] has prematurely stopped at the opaque front door of the Wallstreet banks which are lending billions of "capital" to the corporations.

This is not to say that the Wallstreet banks are innocent: those who push drugs are criminals just like those who make them. Indeed, the big banks are co-conspirators in a decades long financial robbery master-minded [if socio-paths can be so described] by the Federal Reserve which is in reality the one providing [out of thin air] all the credit which DAPL and ALL the other crony capitalists need to eliminate jobs [for that is what a pipeline and every other capital investment does in the long run] and increase corporate profits.

We have become completely isolated from the world of our fathers and grandfathers in which honest hard-working and thrifty people provided [via checking and savings accounts in their local banks] the real credit [based on real savings] which Wallstreet [and Washington] needs and for which both once had to pay fair interest rates to borrow. We no longer understand that this credit is what allowed our predecessors in the Republic to control both the corporations and the government of their days in ways we can no longer even imagine.

Today's laborers [whom Marx claimed once produced a surplus] have been turned into overweight, over-indebted serial-climate consumers who are borrowing AT THE SAME TIME as Wallstreet and Washington ... and everyone is borrowing the same fiat credit created out of thin air by the unregulated, unscrupulous and unconstitutional Federal Reserve.

We have no socio-economic concept of why credit must be provided privately by the laboring and middle classes if they are to exercise effective control over both Wallstreet and Washington. We have been duped into thinking that "money" is some spontaneous mystery that springs full-blown in pure form from some Washington bureaucrat's forehead [or other body part] ... is injected into our pristine economy via a bunch of very dirty very big banks [beyond which we apparently cannot see] ... and will always be there to give us endless pleasure without labor.

So the next time Washington or Wallstreet is using money from somewhere to do something that makes you fighting mad ... like extra-judicial killing or building unwanted pipelines over private and public resources, don't ask "who is funding them" ... you should know who it is ... the Federal Reserve.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Republican Johns & Druggies

You will soon hear more Orwellian babble from Jeb Hensarling on the subject of reforming the financial system. Do NOT be fooled. This is not financial reform ... it is merely an attempt to change the public MO of the madame ... the whore house and the whores inside will continue as they have since Greenspan mainstreamed monetary fornication.

To use another analogy, Republicans reforming Dodd-Frank is like choosing a different style of needle to deliver cocaine ... the addiction and prospect for the death of the addict remain unaffected. Perhaps, they are so stupid that their little minds cannot understand this simple economic distinction. Perhaps, they understand but fear the ramifications of taking a principled stand. Or, perhaps, they are just corrupt politicians like the Democrats who happen to prefer the Dodd-Frank delivery system of the Fed's 100% pure QE to the economic body.

But the sad thing is that both Democrats and Republicans can rest assured that Americans are [with very few exceptions] CLUELESS as to the real issues and CARELESS when having their monetary intercourse or financial shoot-ups with the federal government.

If you want to address the real financial sin in America, just put the job of supplying real savings to the perverted financial system back into the hands of the middle class savers [where it once was] ... by forcing the great whoring Fed to rein in and mop up all the false savings [aka "low interest rates", "easy money" or QE] she has shamelessly injected into the real economy [which no longer even responds to her increasingly deviant and toxic attempts at "stimulus"].

But Republicans are no different than Democrats when it comes to the pleasures of committing monetary fornication and getting high ... politicians, bankers and corporations of all types just like being in a central banking bed and doing financial drugs together ... and once you start this kind of behavior, how can you ever stop?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Open Letter to Senate Banking Committee

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Open Letter to All Committee Members
534 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Senate Committee Members:

By refusing to pass the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2015, the US Senate has once again:

1.      shielded the Federal Reserve as Washington’s illegal supplier of infinite, indefinite and free fiat credit in clear violation of the terms of the Federal Reserve Act [1],
2.      affirmed Washington’s unwillingness to allow its detestable addiction to deficits to be properly, politically and practically restrained by the limited but real savings of the country’s middle class which would entail
A.    first convincing the middle class that Washington was credit-worthy,
B.     then paying a market interest rate to the middle class for the use of its savings
C.     and by so doing restoring the vital socio-economic- political role and power of the middle class in American life,
3.      displayed its servile and secretive pandering to special financial interests,
4.      ignored the expressed will of the clear majority of US citizens who elect senators to be their representatives not the servants of their exploiters,
5.      restrained the only peaceful agent for cleansing government corruption in a democracy … complete transparency and accountability,
6.      conspired to transfer OUR WEALTH to others and to destroy OUR MONEY which provides the foundation for our individual and national economic lives across classes and generations and
7.      betrayed the fundamental principle of constitutional democracy on which the Republic once rested ... and without which America is on a certain financial road to ruin.

I could try to go on, but any attempt I might make to express the utter foulness [you passed beyond simple folly long ago] of your actions would fail to condemn them adequately according to any honest measure of justice. I can only refer you to Revelation 18 in which even God seems to struggle with giving sufficient expression to the revulsion felt in the heavens towards those who knowingly and systematically use their positions of earthly power to adulterate money [the basis for human commerce and thus a vital socio-economic trust in any community] for selfish gain.

Thus I am writing for only one purpose … to judge you as guilty. I understand very well that you are above the law and that you have [formally or informally] colluded with the Executive and Judicial branches of government to empower the Federal Reserve as a fourth and wholly autonomous branch of the US government in violation of the Constitution to act clandestinely and without restraint in pursuit of such goals as those [formally or informally] in charge of the Fed determine.

But know that all attempts to hide the fiscal irresponsibility, violations of civil law and contempt for basic morality in which you [and others] continue to engage beneath the massive monetary skirt of the Federal Reserve will ultimately fail. And when the full revelation of the extent and nature of your part in the Fed’s unjust actions finally takes place, you will certainly regret that you allowed your name, position and life energies to be used to promote such perversity.

For you, ladies and gentlemen alike, are without any excuse. Your very Committee … as it stands … could quite simply demand that the Federal Reserve Act [with its single standard for growth in the monetary and credit aggregates and its triple mandate for the results of Fed policies] be enforced tomorrow according to its clear terms and the tyranny of the Federal Reserve in America [and around the world] would come to a crashing end. But you will not act … because you rightfully fear the terrible consequences that have continued to accumulate on your watch and you naively believe that this faustian bargain will somehow escape justice … at least as long as you are in the Congress.

A Word from Kansas
John Brown was not a native of Kansas … the only true Kansas natives in those days were neither considered citizens nor allowed to vote. But John Brown was not afraid to take a stand against injustice … even if it meant standing against the government of the United States and the powerful but unjust special interests of his day … and losing. And for that reason [in spite of his faults], Kansans were [and still are] willing to consider him as one of their own.

So, as a Kansan, I will leave you with some insights into John Brown’s character seen by Henry Thoreau when all others were roundly condemning Brown as a fringe lunatic. You should ponder them carefully … to see how you measure up.

  • He did not go to Harvard [and] he was not fed on the pap that is there furnished. [Instead] he sedulously pursued the study of Liberty … and having taken many degrees, he finally commenced the public practice of Humanity in Kansas, as you all know.
  • He was one of that class of whom we hear a great deal but, for the most part, see nothing at all … neither Democrat nor Republican, but [a man] of simple habits, straightforward, prayerful; not thinking much of rulers who did not fear God, not making many compromises, nor seeking after available candidates.
  • A man of rare common-sense and directness of speech, as of action; a transcendentalist above all, a man of ideas and principles,--that was what distinguished him.
  • He said, truly, that the reason why such greatly superior numbers quailed before him was, as one of his prisoners confessed, because they lacked a cause,--a kind of armor which he and his party never lacked.
  • He was an old-fashioned man in respect for the Constitution and his faith in the permanence of this Union … and he had the courage to face his country herself, when she was in the wrong.
  • Prominent and influential editors, accustomed to deal with politicians, men of an infinitely lower grade, say, in their ignorance, that he acted "on the principle of revenge." They do not know the man. They must enlarge themselves to conceive of him. I have no doubt that the time will come when they will begin to see him as he was. They have got to conceive of a man of faith and of religious principle, and not a politician … of a man who did not wait till he was personally interfered with or thwarted … before he gave his life to the cause of the oppressed.
  • And it was through his agency, far more than any other's, that Kansas was made free.

What will your legacy be? To your family? To your state? To your fellow citizens? To America?

Bob Love
119 Morningside
Wichita KS 67218

Senator Rand Paul

[1] The Federal Reserve Act unambiguously requires the Fed to follow a single known standard when making changes in the money and credit aggregates and to accomplish a triple mandate as the result of its policy actions. If you were interested in the rule of civil law you would have long ago insisted that the Fed comply with these clear terms. But you are not interested in the rule of law but rather in promoting the rule of tyranny. I know this because, in your absence, I was compelled to undertake and file a citizen’s lawsuit against the Federal Reserve in the course of which I learned what you [and all Washington] must certainly know – that the Fed is acting illegally, in complicity with you, the President and the Courts, everyday to the detriment of the majority of persons in America and across the world.

My case is public record and can be reviewed at http://federalreserveontrialhere.blogspot.com . I am yet to have anyone [in the federal government or otherwise] respond substantively to the charges I raised … including my own senators [Roberts and Moran] and my representative [Pompeo].