Friday, September 9, 2016

Who's Funding DAPL?

Who Is Funding the Dakota Access Pipeline?
Bank of America, HSBC, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo?
No, the Federal Reserve !!!
Wallstreet is only the pusher.

As we watch pictures of Native Americans opposing dogs and bulldozers, at least one commentator is asking the right question ... who is funding DAPL? Unfortunately, this usually astute commentator   [] has prematurely stopped at the opaque front door of the Wallstreet banks which are lending billions of "capital" to the corporations.

This is not to say that the Wallstreet banks are innocent: those who push drugs are criminals just like those who make them. Indeed, the big banks are co-conspirators in a decades long financial robbery master-minded [if socio-paths can be so described] by the Federal Reserve which is in reality the one providing [out of thin air] all the credit which DAPL and ALL the other crony capitalists need to eliminate jobs [for that is what a pipeline and every other capital investment does in the long run] and increase corporate profits.

We have become completely isolated from the world of our fathers and grandfathers in which honest hard-working and thrifty people provided [via checking and savings accounts in their local banks] the real credit [based on real savings] which Wallstreet [and Washington] needs and for which both once had to pay fair interest rates to borrow. We no longer understand that this credit is what allowed our predecessors in the Republic to control both the corporations and the government of their days in ways we can no longer even imagine.

Today's laborers [whom Marx claimed once produced a surplus] have been turned into overweight, over-indebted serial-climate consumers who are borrowing AT THE SAME TIME as Wallstreet and Washington ... and everyone is borrowing the same fiat credit created out of thin air by the unregulated, unscrupulous and unconstitutional Federal Reserve.

We have no socio-economic concept of why credit must be provided privately by the laboring and middle classes if they are to exercise effective control over both Wallstreet and Washington. We have been duped into thinking that "money" is some spontaneous mystery that springs full-blown in pure form from some Washington bureaucrat's forehead [or other body part] ... is injected into our pristine economy via a bunch of very dirty very big banks [beyond which we apparently cannot see] ... and will always be there to give us endless pleasure without labor.

So the next time Washington or Wallstreet is using money from somewhere to do something that makes you fighting mad ... like extra-judicial killing or building unwanted pipelines over private and public resources, don't ask "who is funding them" ... you should know who it is ... the Federal Reserve.

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