And the King will say, "I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!"
Matt 25:40
We observed some weeks ago that George Floyd’s execution by law enforcement for allegedly doing something US bankers [led by the Federal Reserve] do everyday … pass counterfeit bills … was evidence that the federal monetary system in the US is skewed against the poor.
But this week the systemic circle of corruption was completed with federal fiscal hypocrisy when Derek Chauvin, an officer involved in the death of Floyd, and his wife were suddenly charged with tax evasion … something it is well known global elites and corporations do regularly with impunity.
Now, no matter which side of the George Floyd incident you have taken, you have to seriously consider whether or not BOTH the poor and the police are everyday-people-victims of the same corrupted monetary-fiscal system that is ravaging the 99% and setting them against one another in competition for the table scraps that dribble to the floor from years of trickle down economic policies that are designed to enrich a small cadre of global financial elites who publicly make the lying claim that, if enough wealth is just pumped into their pockets, then some wealth will eventually overflow down into the hungry and starving ranks of the “essential” and “non-essential” people below them.
Well, have you ever seen hungry and starving dogs fight over table scraps?
That is what “trickle down” economics creates in the ranks of the non-elites … the 99% … and although the “hungry essentials” [like the police] are systemically favored in the food-fight over the “starving non-essentials” [like the poor], BOTH groups are being systematically plundered by the monetary and fiscal policies of the elites who sit back and watch the savage internecine fight with the assurance that it will certainly distract most attention away from the real systemic problems.
The dogs are only doing what they must to survive … they do not understand their plight or their fight ... they are all victims.
Those of us who do understand … and allow this to continue … are to blame for not clearly explaining then raising a hue and cry against the systemic cruelty of their “owners” that pits them against one another in a fight in which some [like the poor] will die but all [including the police] will suffer injustice.
But BEWARE. Once MLKJr began to understand AND PREACH that racial division was just one symptom [among many] of a much deeper, metastasizing cancer of systemic poverty [aka slavery], his voice was silenced. The truth must not be known ... or, at least, not told.
And do not be surprised when “racial protests” widen into “general revolts” joined by other “non-essentials” against the federal establishment which will quickly brand them as “lawless riots” and use the occasion to employ federal force to repress both the racial protesting and the general revolts. This coalescing of non-essentials is the logical and predictable result of these groups beginning to realize that they are experiencing the same oppression, so it is natural that they should find common cause with one another in opposition to the corrupt federal system.