Luke 8
In a story riddled with naked and brutal conflicts of interest and mind, the Bible presents a stunning confrontation among
- Jesus,
- a man possessed,
- the SINGLE serial-natured demon who possessed and controlled the man on behalf of a host of other afflicting demons and
- the community in which they all dwelled.
And yet, myth retains its power among us, because often it alone is able to lead us into the complex and confusing reality that is beyond even our seemingly unlimited cognitive and comprehensive abilities.
Keynes as prophet
One of history’s great economists, JM Keynes, made an observation about the financial state of the post-WWI world he inhabited that bordered on myth when it was made and continues to haunt us today:"There is no subtler, no surer means of [destroying the Capitalist System and] overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."And so as democracy and capitalism disintegrate around us … along with the historically unique and robust confluence of benefits they once promised including liberty and justice for all … we turn from fiscal and financial conjurers to political and military authoritarians who promise cures for our serial socio-economic afflictions which only seem to grow worse with every new therapy we embrace. But who would dare to speculate much less declare that our legion of complicated problems is somehow tied to a SINGLE demon?
Perhaps, what we really need is an unassuming socio-economic exorcist who can see and command the SINGLE serial-natured evil spirit which possesses us to depart along with his host of lesser demons.
Hogeland on the birth of our madness
“For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted WorldIf historical iconoclasm is the first phase of sociological exorcism, we must begin our journey back to health and sanity with William Hogeland’s Founding Finance where the author ruthlessly rips off the sanitized bandaids of revisionist American history to reveal, among other things, the original and still putrid wound through which our worst demon first entered the American body politic … our first federal capital, Wallstreet, with its conscientiously concealed but overwhelmingly fetid practice of commingling and adulterating public and private money, banking and debt.
Selgin on the past and future of our affliction
“The question is not how to get cured, but how to live.” ― Joseph ConradWhat began on Wallstreet as one of Hamilton's more or less discrete adulteries has, over the centuries, become nothing less than a perpetual cycle of orgy and crash.
If you doubt this, you need only read George Selgin’s Money Free and Unfree. The book is a series of separate, self-contained essays written by Selgin over the course of his distinguished academic career. But, for those willing to dig, there is a SINGLE warning that rings in loud and clear affirmation of Hogeland’s revelation … especially for those who are fortunate enough to hear Selgin distill his book into a one hour lecture:
Wallstreet is the dwelling place of evil spirits … from Hamilton through Aldrich to Bernanke … who serve a SINGLE master-demon: fiat currency backed by federal debt.And although Selgin variously probes and reveals many [sometimes confusing to the non-academic] facets by which this host of evil spirits has been manifested over the centuries of American history, his final message is laser focused … especially when you hear him speak in person:
- Central bank open-ended fiat currency based on federal debt
- disseminated through and controlled by Wallstreet banks
- IS the SINGLE DEMON which has been with us from the beginning
- which must be openly called out and firmly restrained [even if the rules that do it seem crude and cruel]
- while decentralized real-asset [or even honest-algorithm] based alternative [and competing] social media of exchange and their associated banking networks are cultured and allowed to grow
- slowing diminishing and eventually eliminating our current addiction to the monopolistic centrally banked monetary planning that wracks us and, as Keynes prophesied, “[releases] all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction”.
Where can we look for help?
Of course, the practical question that remains isWhere does Mainstreet America find an exorcist that can speak to our worst demon with real authority? Is it Donald Trump? Or Elizabeth Warren? Who?Perhaps, at this point we must turn away from historians like Hogeland and academics like Selgin and return to mythical saviors like Jesus.
In the biblical account of Jesus exorcising the demons of the Gadarenes, those who were eye-witnesses told those who were not what they had seen … and they were all afraid … and even asked Jesus to depart from their land. Why would they do this? Because they feared further change to their status quo … after all their prize herd of pigs had just been driven over a cliff into the sea by demons.
But the man who was healed was undaunted by the thoughtless fears of his timid and short-sighted neighbors … and he persisted in telling others what he had learned and admonishing them to do the same.
All social movements begin the same way … ONE PERSON at a time … and grow the same way … through one-on-one encounters or in small groups which can be greatly assisted but never replaced by modern mass social media.
If YOU are convinced that those like Hogeland and Selgin are steering us in the right direction … then YOU must alert and join with others to demand change in the way we think and act concerning money and banking in America. It is time to publicly identify and call out the master demon that possesses us [along with his host of associated demons] … before they can do more damage to an already badly weakened body politic.
What if we fail to ACT ?
When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he roams through waterless places in search of rest; and finding none, he says, “I will return to my house which I left.” And when he has come to it, he finds the place swept and clean. Then he goes and takes seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter in and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse that the first (Lk 11:24-25).
The greatest temptation we all face is the status quo ... to DO nothing ... but this is a recipe for certain destruction. America may well be past the point of no return on almost everything that is essential to the future life of the republic ... in other words, the republic is already terminal and, perhaps, even deceased.
And that is a sobering thought. What will YOU DO about it?