― Thucydides c.400 BC
Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention, Foreign Policy Journal, Brad Hoff, Jan 6 2016
Horace Campbell on US Disregard for Black Lives, from “War on Terror” in Africa to U.S. Army Widow at Home, Democracy Now, Oct 24 2017
It is undisputed that the citizens of the Roman Empire so selfishly craved their bread and circuses that they neither understood nor cared about the consequences of their financial, political and military masters plundering the wealth and resources of other sovereign peoples to make the Roman elite rich and the Roman people comfortable. Voting was a formal holdover from the days of a once vibrant Republic which de facto died when the elite gained control of the candidates for public office.
With sympathy for all four Americans who recently died in Niger, the outrage we are experiencing is seriously and fundamentally misunderstood and misguided.
- The reason those men died is that they were legionnaires for the American Empire ... mercenaries engaged in subjugating the poor and black citizens of Niger for the benefit of western oligarchs and the clueless citizens of their empires.
- Furthermore [as noted in the links above], it is well documented in State Department emails that France is a co-conspirator with the American Empire in the intentional destabilization and colonization [divide and conquer] of the African continent which "the West" began in earnest with the Clinton-orchestrated overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya who [the elite rightly feared] was going to further the economic liberation and unification of the African nation states by issuing a gold and silver backed pan-African currency for commerce in and with Africa to replace the fiat currencies [the Euro and US$] which western empires have long used to enslave foreign peoples.
Surprise, Surprise
Trump lied twice- once when he told Serviceman La David T Johnson's widow, Myeshia, that La David "understood what he was signing up for"
- and again when he denied saying that.
Of course, Johnson did not understand that he was agreeing to become a mercenary who in his case happened to die subjugating blacks in Niger.
But the real tragedy here is that the American media and voters do not understand [or care about] the real story behind Johnson's death ... the rise and fall of the American Empire ... because they are too busy with their own bread and circuses ... getting obese as they broadcast and watch internet news and reality entertainment starring Donald Trump [and a host of other celebrities] on their big flatscreen TVs.
Post Scripts
Those precious few with an inquiring mind that has reached dialectical maturity need only consider the recent Arab Spring or the current struggles for independence in Catalonia and Kurdistan ... which our politicians and media seldom discuss and never analyze ... to see that the decentralized republic and the totalitarian empire are thesis and antithesis that will be forever locked in history's Hegelian conflict to see which will destroy the other. And before YOU place YOUR bet, consider this:
"God wills men to be free."
attributed to Henri-Frédéric Amiel
attributed to Henri-Frédéric Amiel